TSX Short Positions Short positions outstanding at June 15/15 (with changes from May 31/15). Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange New Gold NGD34689487-6588494 B2Gold BTO29387761-93284 PotashCorp POT25538915161075 Lundin Mining LUN22101962-810060 Teck Resources TCK.B17825874685228 Rubicon MineralsRMX15179176801206 Kinross GoldK14744965610677 Iamgold IMG143055965054758 Detour GoldDGC122912121204100 Thompson Creek Mtl TCM11019513-934708 Barrick GoldABX10598425247431 First Quantum FM10485704-1240388 Yamana GoldYRI8826146806115 Denison MinesDML8320539407705 Argonaut GoldAR7833911-49887 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Iamgold IMG143055965054758 Capstone Mining CS31496741244373 Detour GoldDGC122912121204100 Yamana GoldYRI8826146806115 Rubicon MineralsRMX15179176801206 Largest Decrease in...
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