TSX Short Positions Short positions outstanding at March 31/15 (with changes from March 15/15). Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange B2Gold BTO32587381-2370990 New GoldNGD32176367-1496950 Lundin Mining LUN25860935-1464177 PotashCorpPOT23925660717871 Kinross GoldK161498841323162 Teck ResourcesTCK.B156672401993114 Barrick GoldABX118843811586655 Detour GoldDGC11571588-141249 Thompson Crk Mtls TCM11027331-36037 Orbite Aluminae ORT92106009081000 Argonaut GoldAR9167551405872 Torex Gold TXG81634911114075 Yamana GoldYRI7727192-259968 Rio Alto Mining RIO7109471-6145166 North Am. Palladium PDL7078960-59800 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Orbite AluminaeORT92106009081000 Teck ResourcesTCK.B156672401993114 Rubicon MineralsRMX41377701883151 Barrick...
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