DateMay 24May 21May 20May 19May 18BASE METALS (London Metal Exchange --Midday official cash/3-month prices, US$ per tonne)Al Alloy1887/1910 1861/1900 1835/1860 1870/1890 1836/1860 Aluminum2009/2038 1991/2022 1947/1976 1969/1998 2005.50/2036 Copper6770.50/6805 6639/6665 6500/6530 6465.50/6502 6605.50/6636.50 Lead1779/1808.50 1722.50/1760 1720/1750 1721/1762 1795.50/1835 Nickel21595/21700 21200/21200 21050/21150...
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