Short positions outstanding at June 15/07 (with changes from May 30/07).Largest short positionsChangeKinross GoldK301510802589664CamecoCCO22282245625547Northern Orion ResNNO17500269-574320IamgoldIMG14285046307181Sherritt IntlS142039474288397Silver WheatonSLW9784177852308Lundin MiningLUN9621785303678Coeur D'Alene MinesCDM89432102265810Ivanhoe MinesIVN84589931058812Breakwater ResBWR82915521474543Yamana GoldYRI810292378822Barrick GoldABX6624908915661Mega UraniumMGA6621661-1005745Thompson Creek MetTCM6498969703927Rio Narcea GoldRNG56979801510763Largest increases in short positionChangeSherritt IntlS142039474288397Kinross GoldK301510802589664Coeur D'Alene MinesCDM89432102265810Aura GoldORA25188001869885UraminUMN26766001846100Largest decreases...
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