TSX Short Positions (September 18, 2006)

Short positions outstanding at August 31, 2006 (with changes from August 15).Largest short positionsChangeKinross GoldK30007873861261CambiorCBJ26535483690345Bema GoldBGO191454971548432CamecoCCO18831016723789Northern Orion ResNNO1496939912755Sherritt IntlS14592996-290379Barrick GoldABX143346361427732Northgate MineralsNGX8442232-375659Ivanhoe MinesIVN7461239277571Eldorado GoldELD6617561847329Golden Star ResGSC6032495-379401Lionore Mining IntlLIM5864802-54593GoldcorpG56791791288157Crystallex IntlKRY5656595-1048315IncoN4912479-834170Largest increases in short positionChangeSXR Uranium OneSXR37965763103571Bema GoldBGO191454971548432Barrick GoldABX143346361427732First NickelFNI14745001394500PlatminPPN22804001362361Largest decreases in short...

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