Short positions outstanding at July 31, 2006 (with changes from July 15).Largest short positionsChangeGolden Dynasty ResGLY34265003426500Birch Mountain ResBMD3356740-392391First Majestic ResFR123863849919Baja MiningBAJ104140023501Bayswater VenturesBVE856700597976Augusta ResourceARS700885-81519Great Panther ResGPR612170171660Mega UraniumMGA605839118439Aurelian ResourcesARU593600150300Minera AndesMAI489650-259920Regent VenturesREV487225689Hudson ResourcesHUD426300-14000Century MiningCMM380800-5200Apogee MineralsAPE356800-45000Scorpio MiningSPM354800-102700Largest increases in short positionChangeGolden Dynasty ResGLY34265003426500Bayswater VenturesBVE856700597976Skyharbour...
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