Short positions outstanding at June 30, 2006 (with changes from June 15).Largest short positionsChangeBirch Mountain ResBMD35747621132437UC ResourcesUC118150078500First Majestic ResFR115626922550Baja MiningBAJ938950112350Strateco ResourcesRSC906808-134200Augusta ResourceARS793604-22377Plexmar ResourcesPLE742167511824Minera AndesMAI58725063514Regent VenturesREV511500-616500Mega UraniumMGA498285-47233Northern Star MinNSM497000348400Aurelian ResourcesARU47600080100Scorpio MiningSPM473600-89600Hudson ResourcesHUD470300290100IMA ExplorationIMR458120-255000Largest increases in short positionChangeBirch Mountain ResBMD35747621132437Plexmar ResourcesPLE742167511824Eloro ResourcesELO436855413030Northern...
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