CNQ Trading (April 17, 2006)

April 4-10, 2006STOCKTICKERVOLUME(100s)HIGHLOWLASTCHANGEHIGHLOWBannockburn ResBKNN1500.550.530.550.000.550.25CDG InvestCDGI2100.260.210.26+0.020.380.13CIC Mining ResCICM33020.880.650.88+0.030.880.35Cdn Res HouseCRHL800.300.300.300.000.460.21Copper Belt ResCBRL1200.640.610.64+ ResDYRF58160.180.150.15- GoldGOLD500.3850.3850.3850.001.050.25Fort ChimoFORT15700. GoldGVGI11862.001.721.950.002.000.90Intl ZimtuZMTU260.550.550.550.000.830.50Madalena VentMAVI39360.800.750.75-0.050.850.08Roxmark MinesRMKL15780.190.160.17- ResSEAF75370.3150.300.315+0.0150.370.10STOCKTICKERBIDASKHIGHLOWAztek ResARDV0.020.250.550.10Crystal GraphCYTG0.0750.0950.500.06Hawk Prec MinHAWK0. ResORES0.1050.170.180.07United ReefURPL0.

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