Companies (March 23, 1998)

Abcourt MinesAber ResourcesAgnico-Eagle MinesAlberta EnergyAmerican GemAnglo AmericanAnzex ResourcesAsarcoAshton Mining of Can.Asquith ResourcesAzco MiningBattle Mountain GoldBirim GoldfieldsCallinan MinesCanarc ResourcesConsolidated CallinanCrystallex InternationalDe Beers Cons. MinesDelta GoldDiamondWorksEcho Bay MinesEltinEmperor MinesEtruscan ResourcesFalconbridgeFreeport McMoRanGeomaque ExplorationsGippsland ResourcesHera ResourcesIamgoldInmet MiningJersey GoldfieldsLucero ResourcesMedallion ResourcesMenora ResourcesMinorca ResourcesNew Claymore Res.Newmont...

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