ExchgVal($000s)HighLowCloseChangeAlcoa*N79945239.7036.5838.43+0.93Newmont Mng*N53267124.9823.7724.55-0.03AlcanT35129466.8163.5465.00+0.93Alcan*N33940941.9739.9040.76+0.96Placer DomeT27456719.6017.2217.34-2.24Barrick GoldT22074129.8527.9028.15-1.84Barrick Gold*N20876418.5517.5617.64-1.01Inco LtdT16689930.2529.0229.70+0.58Phelps Dodge*N16016239.7036.6038.52+1.09Kerr McGee*N15541257.5054.7557.03+2.07Placer Dome*N10328512.1510.8310.96-1.24Freeport McB*N9643716.0414.5715.19+0.75Noranda IncT9345017.9916.5117.34+0.49FalconbridgeT9196017.9416.5017.45+0.12Inco Ltd*N8552019.0418.0318.69+0.60Brascan CorpT6990433.2831.0531.65+0.35Dofasco IncT6351328.9427.6027.75-1.25Gold Fields*Q609218.928.428.58-0.21Teck Comin BT5715214.8914.0514.26-0.06Potash Cp SaskT5311399.5095.0095.39-1.49
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