Companies (November 20, 1995)

INDEXAberAfriOreAmerica Min.FldArmisticeAsarcoAsia PacificBand-OreBarrick GoldBHP Min. CanadaBotswna DmdfldsCamecoCdn States GasChampion BearComaplex Min.,Cons NewgateCumberland,Cyprus AmaxDiabiorEcho BayEldoradoEtruscan EntprsExallGldn Queen M'gGold StandardHemlo GoldHolmer GoldHRC DevelopmentImperial MtlsInmet M'gLoki GoldMagma CopperManhattan Min.Manson CreekMar-WestMinera RayrockMisty Mtn GldMonoprosMorgain Min.Mountain PrvncMSV Res.Newmont GoldNoble PeakNuinscoOrvana Min.Patrician GldPrime EquitiesPrior Res.Rea GoldRedaurumRomulusRoxmarkSanta...

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