Short positions outstanding at April 30/15 (with changes from April 15/15). TSX Short Positions Short positions outstanding at April 30/15 (with changes from April 15/15). Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange New Gold NGD358554742960352 B2GoldBTO31493090-558094 Lundin Mining LUN25991419412969 Kinross GoldK178060351584961 Teck ResourcesTCK.B163378761266634 Rubicon MineralsRMX129489646923194 Thompson Crk MtlTCM12036851537115 Detour GoldDGC11666355-169391 First QuantumFM106335481804843 Barrick GoldABX9605108-1567947 Argonaut GoldAR8701243-186131 Iamgold IMG779075526644 Yamana GoldYRI7665758933763 First Majestic...
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