TSX Short Positions Short positions outstanding at April 15/15 (with changes from March 31/15). Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange New Gold NGD32895122718755 B2GoldBTO32051184-536197 Lundin Mining LUN25578450-282485 Kinross Gold K1622107471190 Teck ResourcesTCK.B15071242-595998 Detour Gold DGC11835746264158 Thompson Crk MtlTCM11499736472405 Barrick Gold ABX11173055-711326 PotashCorp POT10490824-13434836 N.A. Palladium PDL104570603378100 Torex Gold TXG9014454850963 Argonaut GoldAR8887374-280177 First Quantum FM88287052782444 IamgoldIMG7764111754211 Yamana Gold YRI6731995-995197 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange N.A. PalladiumPDL104570603378100 First QuantumFM88287052782444 Fission Uranium FCU38116002352200 Rubicon MineralsRMX60257701888000 Turquoise Hill Res. TRQ32362951807974 Largest...
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