A unique and rapid sampling- assaying device known as the Mineral Analysis Probe (MAP) is proving a boon to the exploration-development program under way at the Hellens Eplett silver mine at Cobalt.
Developed by the Washington firm of Scitec Corp., it consists of a delicate sensor that is passed over the drift face, drill core, or sample to be assayed. If silver is present, it records on a meter that can be read instantly.
Quite happy with the device, Mine Manager Richard LaPrairie says that it can pay for itself with a single round of good grade ore which could be mistaken for waste and thrown away before the normal assay results could be made available.
“It seems to work quite well on low-and medium-grade material. It certainly tells us whether or not silver is present in the face, which helps to guide us in drifting,” he told The Northern Miner. Furthermore, it checks reasonably well with fire assays.
This is believed to be the only MAP device in use in Canada at present, although there are a number now in use elsewhere.
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