Nickel sulphide deposits in Australia: Resources and potential, Lynton Jaques, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, Australia
Perspectives of growth and investment opportunities in the Mexican mining sector, Salvador Ortiz Vertiz, Under-Secretary for Mining, Mexican Ministry of the Economy, Mexico City, Mexico
Doing business in the new South African mining environment, Richard Miner, McCarthy Ttrault LLP, Toronto, Canada
Mining in Argentina: Materials for the investor’s checklist, Silvia Bauni, Fortunati and Lucero Abogados, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Defining the Canadian-class gold mine, Michael Doggett, Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada
The existence of large-scale structural corridors in the mantle lithosphere and their influence on exploration for giant mineral deposits, Alex Mikhailov, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Sediment-hosted vein gold deposits: Their characteristics and what to look for, Paul Klipfel, Mineral Resource Services, Inc., Reno, U.S.
The northern Nevada rifts metallogenic province and its epithermal gold-silver deposits, Richard Redfern, RMIC Gold, Spring Creek, U.S.
Copler: A new gold discovery in Turkey, Dave Cliff, Rio Tinto Exploration Limited, Bristol, England
Hope Bay project: Canada’s premier undeveloped greenstone gold belt, Nunavut Territory, Canada, Stephen Quin, Miramar Mining Corporation, Vancouver, Canada
Exploration activity in Newfoundland and Labrador: What’s driving the surge? Richard Wardle, Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, St. John’s, Canada
Gold-forming environments in New Brunswick: A geotectonic synopsis, Kay Thorne, New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Fredericton, Canada
Why Qubec is a hot place for mining exploration, Sylvain Lacroix and Jean-Louis Caty, Ministre des Ressources naturelles de la Faune et des Parcs, Charlesburg, QC, Canada
Manitoba’s kimberlite potential, Chris Beaumont-Smith, Manitoba Industry, Economic Development and Mines, Winnipeg, Canada
De-mystifying Nunavut, Jason Sharp, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Nunavut Regional Office, Canada
Implementing a strategy for sustainable mining in British Columbia, Graeme McLaren, British Columbia Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, Victoria, Canada
The Daniel alluvial channel: Northern Cape, South Africa, Leon Daniels, Tawana Resources N.L., Melbourne, Australia
Royalty financing: An alternative to debt and equity financing, Karen Gross, Royal Gold, Inc., Denver, U.S.
Housing and social development program at Bulyanhulu, Tasmania, John van Nostrand, Planning Alliance, Toronto, Canada
Advanced spaceborne thermal emmission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) in mineral exploration: A brief review, Marc Goossens, Geosense, Netherlands
Kirkland Lake Gold: Exploration success in an old camp, Mike Sutton, Kirkland Lake Gold, Kirkland Lake, Canada
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