Field work is now well underway on the 1,647-claim joint venture program in the Baie Verte area, Newfoundland, in which Muscocho Explorations (25%) and Tashota- Nipigon Mines (25%) are participating with Noranda Exploration.
Noranda made potentially significant gold discoveries on nearby claims in 1986, subsequently staking more than 2,000 claims. These included the Muscocho-Tashota joint venture spread, which covers a strike length of more than 50 km of favorable geology.
Preliminaery geochemical reconnaissance sampling last fall identified areas of anomalous gold values in overburden. These are the type that led to the original Noranda discovery.
The preliminary program now in progress is budgeted at $450,000 and consists of continuing geochemical surveying, geological mapping and prospecting.
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