I read the article on Pamour’s heap leaching test in the Dec 1 issue of The Northern Miner with great interest. My congratulations to them on their initiative and foresight in utilizing this technology. There is I believe one error in the article. According to the article Pamour “is the first successful heap leach test ever in northern Ontario.” During 1984 I was responsible for a 700-ton heap leach test in northwestern Ontario at the Sakoose mine near Dryden. This fact is mentioned in The Northern Miner of March 7, 1985.
The test program was a success, with recoveries correlatable with lab tests. The recovery was similar to that reported for the Pamour test.
After following the success of heap leaching in the U.S. for the past 10 years, I am pleased to see the technology finally being accepted in Canada.
Wabigoon, Ont.
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