I have been a subscriber to The Northern Miner for 20 years or more. I am a slow learner but after all these years I have come to the conclusion that some executives and promoters of mining are like politicians — a bunch of legalized crooks — and The Northern Miner sides with them in promoting their greed. For instance your writeup on Landmark which I bought as Durham. To my knowledge there was no consulting of shareholders in the manipulation of the change of ownership or how it would benefit shareholders.
I bought O’Brien Energy and Resources some years ago and still stuck with it. The Northern Miner gave it a front page writeup. The company is doing well, according to your writeup. There was a change of ownership with no consultation with shareholders. Now it is on the rocks. Did this just happen with good management?
Warren Exploration changed its name to Paragon. Again, there was no consultation or explanation of name change. Was this done to benefit shareholders?
Spooner Mines and Oils’ name change was the same old story. Shareholders were never told how it was to benefit them, also a reverse split, why, this is always a mystery to me.
Then there was Chemalloy. It started out with a good treasury. The directors took care to give themselves good salaries, but the company went bankrupt.
One becomes very distrusting with this over-all record The Northern Miner has established. These are just a few of my experiences. I think The Miner should be more cautious. J. H. Hilton Miami, Fla.
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