We should think back during the past four years and count the number of times we have cursed all levels of government for the lack of support shown to mining. The dire situation we face in virtually every region of the country is plain to see and the negative impact of ill-conceived government programs is equally obvious.
Now is the chance to do something about it. Regardless of one’s political affiliation, the federal election campaign represents a brief, rare opportunity to change the way both politicians and the public view mining. To achieve success, all that is required is the active participation of exploration and mining people in Canada, particularly in the 50 or so ridings where mining is the dominant employer. Fifty seats is a big chunk of the House of Commons. Why is it that members of Parliament now holding those seats have been totally ineffective at making the decline in mining an issue? The answer is simple — we have not demanded their support. As former mines minister Jake Epp noted, questions in the House on mining issues are rare; therefore, no pressure exists to develop new policies. Consider the difference in dealing with the east-coast fishery; the state of that industry is raised virtually every day in Parliament. In northern Ontario, Save Our North, the Northern Prospectors Association and the Porcupine Prospectors & Developers Association have had success in demanding action from their politicians. The methods used are inexpensive and straightforward, and require only the time of those concerned with the fate of mining.
We urge everyone concerned to do three things. First, call your local candidates and demand to know their plans for improving the state of the industry. Second, ask them to state specific policies in support of mining at public meetings such as all-candidates debates. Third, make sure the local papers report their answers by contacting the editors or publishers. Information packages, contact lists and media data are available through the above groups to anyone interested in conducting local campaigns. Steve Parry, Bruce Jeffery, and Mike Leahy
Save Our North
Timmins, Ont.
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