The Garson mine, one of the higher-grade nickel orebodies in Ontario’s Sudbury region, is being reopened by Inco (TSE) at a cost of $40.1 million. The company hopes that the deposit will be in full production at a rate of 2,000 tons per day by 1995.
The mine, first opened in 1907, was closed in 1986 because of poor ground conditions. Inco plans to use modified blasting techniques, smaller stopes and stronger backfill to help prevent future ground problems. Garson has proven reserves of 19.5 million tons grading 1.31% copper and 1.8% nickel. The average grade of nickel currently being mined at Inco’s Sudbury operations is 1.2%.
The mine will employ 179 people, and over the next nine years production is estimated to be 4.8 million tons at 1.58% nickel and 1.09% copper.
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