Greenstrike gets Alberta listing

Greenstrike Gold Corp., a new company managed and controlled by the principals of Calgary-based Petromet Resources, has been listed on the Alberta Stock Exchange.

With about 2.7 million shares outstanding, 310,000 held by Petromet, the company has a 50% interest in a total of 179 claims in Enjalran and Carheil twps., in the Casa Berardi area of Quebec. These properties could see some determined drilling activity by year-end when the analytical results of some 180 reverse circulation overburden holes are in and reviewed.

So far several high gold, copper, silver and zinc values have been encountered, according to President Laurie J. Smith. Visible gold grains have been found in the till samples.

The properties have been optioned under three separate agreements to Baroque Resources, Texpez Oil & Gas Corp. and New Ridge Resources. Each company can earn a 50% interest in their respective claims by spending $1 million. If the options are exercised, Greenstrike would be left with a 12.5% interest.

In trading this week, Greenstrike added 60 cents to its opening bid of 40 cents to close at $1.00.



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