The old Temagami mine property 25 miles south of Ontario’s famed Cobalt silver camp will be getting the once-over by Vancouver-listed Greater Tema gami Mines. The company optioned the property from Teck Corp. which is well represented on the board.
Comprising 15 square miles of mining leases along 12 miles of favorable geological trend, the property includes the old Temagami mine, a former high grade copper producer which was really the beginning of Teck as it’s known today. Appreciable amounts of gold, platinum, and palladium have been noted there in association with high grade copper and also with a mineral assemblage of copper-nickel- cobalt.
Current exploration efforts will be directed towards precious metals and Teck’s data base on the mine property will be used to identify any unrealized potential. Approximately 750,000 ft of drill core is stored on the property and several old precious metal anomalies will be explored. More geophysics is planned before a 6,000-ft drill program which is scheduled for January or February. Widely spaced holes will be drilled along the full extent of the property, says Greater Temagami.
The company also holds the Triton property in the Shiningtree area under option. These claims are being drilled by New Dawn Resources which has verified high grade gold values in the Kingston vein. A further 6,000 ft of drilling is scheduled in the next two months.
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