A small drill program by
The 20.6-sq.-km property, which is divided into the Peterson, Chrome and Page blocks, covers 10 km of the sill. Locally, the intrusion is 500-600 metres thick and consists of a lower ultramafic series, an overlying transition series, and a upper mafic series.
Last year, prospectors immediately west of the Peterson block recovered 4.3 grams platinum and platinum per tonne from 45 cm of chip sampling. East of the Page block, Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines recovered 1.4% copper and 1.4% nickel, plus 1.6 grams platinum-palladium per tonne, from 4.6 metres of old drill core, including 3.6% nickel and 7.2 grams platinum-palladium over 20 cm. Two-hundred metres north of a chromite layer in the central portion of the Chrome block, soils have run up to 2.5 grams platinum-palladium.
Four 500-metre-long holes will be drilled in the Peterson block, and four other targets, elsewhere on the property, will be tested during the winter.
On June 30, Gossan had $365,925 in working capital and more than 11.4 million shares outstanding.
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