Despite a less-than-successful, initial round of drilling on the Blacktop massive sulphide prospect in southern British Columbia,
The junior recently tested a zone of high-grade zinc-copper mineralization, with eight holes drilled from five setups over a strike length of 500 metres. The holes targeted the mineralized horizon downdip to vertical depths of 20-70 metres below surface. Drilling revealed an intensely altered rock sequence and associated assemblage of clastic massive-sulphide-style mineralization within and around a well-developed fault zone.
The fault is interpreted to be a west-dipping reverse structure, which has dislocated and smeared sulphide mineralization into bands and clasts that are suspended in a paste of highly altered rock gouge. Company geologists note that the sulphide clasts are identical to the high-grade mineralization exposed in the roadcut along side the Coquihalla Hwy., 26 km north of Merritt.
The best hole cut a 0.7-metre interval grading 16.5% zinc and 1.18% copper, plus 87.4 grams silver and 0.45 gram gold per tonne, starting at 52.6 metres down-hole. The other holes are reported to have intersected lower-grade, sulphide-bearing fault breccia over intervals of 4-20 metres. Zinc values ran as high as 1.25%.
Based on a preliminary structural analysis of the drill results, the company will carry out further drilling, north and west of the Blacktop discovery area. The program will to test for mineralization within a potential offset of the favourable horizon.
Gitennes will return to the field in mid-May to conduct mapping and geophysical surveys. Several prospects, including the 401 copper-gold zone, will be investigated.
The Blacktop showing is hosted in intermediate-to-felsic volcanic rocks of the Nicola group. The mineralized prospect was discovered last summer, prompting Gitennes to option the core 15-sq.-km Fox property in September. To earn a 100% interest, the junior must pay a total of $340,000 over four years.
Gitennes added to its holdings by staking an additional 50 sq. km of surrounding ground. In addition, a 19-sq.-km package that ties on to the northern Fox boundary was jointly staked with
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