Exploration drilling at the Trout Lake polymetallic mine near Flin Flon, Man., continues to confirm the presence of several individual lenses below the 560-metre level.
Most of the summer work, 7,775 metres in total, was focused in the area around the No. 7 lens, which occurs in the footwall of the producing North zone. The drilling also revealed what appears to be a new lens (No. 10) in the hangingwall of the North zone. Results from the hangingwall structure include a 45-metre interval grading 9.8% zinc and 2.47% copper in hole T-674. Granges (TSE), with a 29% interest in the mine, says results from the 560-800 levels of the Middle zone indicate that the zone may not be as wide as originally estimated. But one drill hole, T-683, intersected a 3.7-metre interval grading 5.1% zinc and 2.45% copper, suggesting the presence of a new footwall lens (No. 3).
The mine is a joint venture between Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting (TSE), Granges and Manitoba Mineral Resources. The partners are spending $3 million on underground drilling this year.
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