Gold Fields Limited Mining News - Page 53 of 55 - The Northern Miner

Gold Fields Limited

FACTS ‘N’ FIGURES — The rise of gold swaps

The launch of the European Central Bank in July and the approach of European monetary union raise a number of interesting possibilities for gold in the official sector. At the same time, the lack of t…

Russian gold production soaring

Between January and April, Russian gold-mining enterprises produced 14.13 tonnes of gold, up from 11.82 tonnes in the corresponding period of 1997.Russia’s economics ministry has set a production targ…

FACTS ‘N’ FIGURES — Evaluating gold’s slump

In Gold 1998, the latest annual survey of the gold market, Gold Fields Mineral Services (GFMS) focuses on the causes of the sharp fall in the gold price during 1997, when the average PM fix in London,…

Companies (May 25, 1998)

Agnico-Eagle MinesAltius MineralsAmax GoldAnglo AmericanAnglogoldAnzex ResourcesApex SilverArian ResourcesAur ResourcesB.Y.G. Natural ResourcesBand-Ore ResourcesBanro ResourceBarrick GoldBattle Mounta…

FACTS ‘N’ FIGURES — Gold sales in perspective

The subject of central banks and gold has become a major issue for the world gold market. One question being widely discussed is “Do recent central bank sales of gold invalidate the role of gold as a …

Anglo forms top gold company

For decades, South Africa-based mining house Anglo American has been a huge, complex organization in which dozens of mines were held by dozens of publicly traded operating companies. This is no more.P…

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