Metallica sizes up El Morro deposit (February 13, 2004)
Armed with data from 15 diamond- and reverse-circulation holes, Noranda (NRD-T) has tabled an inferred resource est…
Armed with data from 15 diamond- and reverse-circulation holes, Noranda (NRD-T) has tabled an inferred resource est…
Vancouver After a public session held to examine EuroZinc Mining’s (EZM-V), bid for the purchase the Neves Corvo…
Vancouver — Tenke Mining (TNK-T) has inked a deal to sell 3 million common shares to a syndicate of underwriters f…
Vancouver — Spider Resources (SPQ-V) and joint venture partner KWG Resources (KWG-V) have tabled encouraging resu…
Vancouver — Inca Pacific Resources (IP-V) has inked a deal to purchase Anaconda Peru’s 51% interest in the Magistr…
Higher nickel, copper and zinc prices sent Falconbridge’s (FL-T) earnings soaring during the final three months of…
Vancouver — Mustang Minerals (MUM-V) has released additional encouraging drill results on the C-zone from the Bann…
Agnico-Eagle Mines (AGE-T) has scaled back underground mine production at its LaRonde gold-copper mine in northwest…
Vancouver — Everton Resources (EVR-V) and partner Globestar Mining (GMI-V) have completed a first-phase drill prog…
Two months of negotiations between union members and Falconbridge (FL-T) have ended in failure, forcing the major t…
With the ink just drying on a new three-year labour deal, Teck Cominco (TEK-T) says it will boost to 97.5% its stak…
Inmet Mining’s (IMN-T) 18%-owned Ok Tedi copper mine in Papua New Guinea will operate at a minimum of half-capacity…
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