Short positions outstanding at Aug. 15/14 (with changes from July 30/14). TSX Short Positions Largest Short Positions SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Lundin Mining CCO56234648-228332 Kinross Gold K38271275750076 New Gold NGD30805555-239049 PotashCorp POT25837740223077 Yamana Gold YRI2386095610820766 B2Gold BTO22860067376819 Detour Gold DGC22248519150478 Tahoe Res. THO17887100-496356 Teck Res. TCK.B177549382963756 Cameco CCO140436511812400 Argonaut Gold AR11906952-414499 Thompson Creek TCM11557098-452882 Torex Gold TXG11225737-8693094 First Majestic Sil. FR10709851-66812 Dundee Pr Mtls. DPM9646767-418727 Largest Increase in Short Position SecurityTickerTotal ShortChange Yamana Gold YRI2386095610820766 Teck Res.TCK.B177549382963756 Eldorado Gold ELD74488052077494 CamecoCCO140436511812400 Goldcorp G4501682959079 Largest Decrease...
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